Everything you need to know about Nappy Rash

Everything you need to know about Nappy Rash

If your baby wears a nappy, chances are they will experience nappy rash at some point. Nappy rash is extremely common and can happen even when every care is taken to prevent your baby from discomfort. While it can be irritating for your baby and distressing for caregivers, nappy rash can be effectively relieved by a few simple practices and affordable over the counter treatments.

What makes nappy rash worse:

The primary cause of nappy rash is irritation from moisture and rubbing on the skin as a result of wearing a nappy. This initial irritation can be significantly worsened by a number of factors including:

  • The presence of bacteria or yeasts such as thrush or candida
  • Excess detergents
  • Runny or loose faeces
  • Not changing the nappy regularly
  • Plastic pants


Signs & Symptoms:

Nappy rash is fairly easily identified as the skin in the nappy area will appear red and raw and may be splotchy or spotty in appearance. Your baby may feel itchy or sore when the area is wiped and they may be unsettled or irritated in general.

Home Care:

  • Use a good quality, highly absorbent disposable nappy.
  • Change nappies regularly (5-7 times per day for babies under 12 months old)
  • Use a non-soap cleanser with no irritants to gently clean your baby’s bottom at each nappy change using lukewarm water and a soft cloth.
  • Thickly apply a barrier cream at each nappy change to prevent moisture from reaching the skin.
  • Talk to your pharmacist to determine which medicated nappy rash cream is right for your baby.
  • Try to give your child as much time without wearing a nappy as possible.
  • Avoid using talcum powder.
  • If your baby is experiencing a lot of pain, use paracetamol to provide relief.


Important to Remember:

If the rash does not improve within one to two weeks, see your doctor for medical advice. It is also important to note that there are many other rashes that can occur in the nappy area such as eczema and skin infections. These conditions will not respond to nappy rash treatment and require specialised treatment.

At Chemistworks, our skilled team can help you to determine the best products to treat your baby’s rash. You can find all the products mentioned in this article in our online store, or to receive further advice and guidance, you can visit your local Chemistworks.