Herbs Of Gold Vitamin B6 100MG 60 Tablets
Herbs Of Gold Vitamin B6 100MG
Herbs of Gold Vitamin B6 100mg contains a blend of pyridoxine and pyridoxial 5-phosphate monohydrate (activated B6), in a convenient one-a-day tablet, to help maintain vitamin B6 levels in the body.
Vitamin B6 100mg supports nervous system health, assists the synthesis of neurotransmitters and helps maintain emotional wellbeing.
Vitamin B6 100mg supports blood health, haemoglobin synthesis and cardiovascular system health.
Vitamin B6 100mg relieves symptoms of premenstrual tension (PMT).
Vitamin B6 100mg supports energy production and helps the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates and fats.
Vitamin B6 100mg supports immune system health and general health and wellbeing.
Vitamins and supplements are not a substitute for good nutrition or a balanced diet. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your healthcare professional.
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