Wellness Tips for Mums

Wellness Tips for Mums

Mother’s Day is an important time to celebrate all the women in our lives, both young and old, who nurture, support and guide us in one way or another. At Chemistworks, we believe that thriving mothers lead to happy and healthy communities. Here are our top tips for mums to achieve optimal health and wellness.

Emotional Wellbeing:

Whether a brand new mum or an experienced one, motherhood is hard! The physical, emotional and mental demands of daily life can leave many women feeling discontent, stressed or unfulfilled. It is important that mothers find positive ways to maintain their personal sense of peace while juggling the needs of their family (and often workplace). Here are some ideas to achieve a more balanced state of health and happiness:

Do an activity that you enjoy every week
Journal – record your joys and your challenges
Maintain a strong support network
Keep active
Set new goals and dreams
Be kind to yourself
Spend time relaxing EVERY DAY (even 5 minutes is better than nothing)
Make a habit of regular prayer or meditation
Think positive!

Depression and Anxiety:

Sometimes, more serious mental health issues arise such as depression or anxiety. These medical conditions affect many women (particularly in pregnancy or after giving birth) and require treatment such as counselling and/or medication. Possible signs of depression are feelings of intense sadness, anger, anxiety or inadequacy, difficulty completing tasks or disinterest in previously enjoyed activities. Some of the possible causes or triggers include family history, limited support, financial or relationship difficulties, traumatic birth experience, etc. While no single treatment is best for everyone, early treatment is important to assist mothers and their families. Here are some additional strategies which may be helpful:

Establish a support network
Connect with other mothers
Set time aside for yourself
Avoid unrealistic expectations of being a ‘Super Mum’
Get as much rest as you can
Ask for help

Diet and Exercise:

Mothers are usually incredibly time poor and this often results in less-than-ideal eating and exercise habits. In regards to keeping active, women should keep it simple! Look for opportunities to incorporate movement into your day, no matter how small. And don’t feel guilty about doing this activity for yourself – it has many benefits for you and your family.

When it comes to nutritional needs, every woman is different. However, eating a wide range of healthy meals and snacks is a good start! And the occasional treat is fine too! An adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals is necessary to achieve your optimal state of physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Don’t forget that some women (eg. during pregnancy, breastfeeding or menopause) have very specific needs, so it is advisable to look into the various supplements available for those groups.

Take a Break:

No matter how talented women are at multi-tasking and providing for their families, sometimes it is important to just take a break! This means getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep each night as well as taking special time to replenish and rejuvenate. You are allowed to focus on YOUR needs too. In fact, it is important to do so. Working to restore your harmony and balance will not only benefit your health, but your family will also reap the benefits of a more calm and content mother.